Created time
Oct 8, 2023 07:41 PM
English Version
Treating Others
- The best criticism of a thing is to create something to replace it.
- The "Three-Times Rule" in conversations; each time, wait for the other to finish, ask them to delve deeper, only then can you get closer to the true answer.
- Be generous in all, give more, no one on their deathbed regrets giving too much.
- Anything truly existent begins with a speculative notion, thus imagination is the most powerful force in the universe. Enhance your imagination for those vivid, original ideas.
- The "Seven-Times Rule" of exploration. If you're willing to delve seven levels down, you can understand anything.
- When others tell you where the problem lies, they are usually right. When they tell you how to fix it, they are usually wrong.
- To be wealthy, help others succeed; to succeed, let others pay you.
- Imitating others is a great starting point.
- Give, and you won’t become poor; withhold, and you won’t become rich.
Treating Self
- Admit at least once daily that you don't know, you'll become a better person.
- The stronger your beliefs, the more reason you have to challenge them.
- Self-investment - pay for classes, learn new skills - these modest investments can yield substantial returns.
- Be someone whose actions cannot be predicted by AI, add your own influence, these should be your life's pursuits.
- The most reliable method for success is defining success yourself. Aim, then draw a bullseye 🎯 around where you hit.
- Deeply learn a subject each year, a year later, you'll be astonished by your initial ignorance.
- A good way to understand oneself is to seriously consider what makes you angry in others.
- Set ambitious goals, so even if you don’t reach them, you achieve something beyond the average.
- If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. Surround yourself with smarter people, learn from them; better yet, find smart people who disagree with you.
- Think, not only with your brain.
- If you never stumble, you haven’t really sprinted.
- Change your habitual language from “can I do it or not” to “will I do it or not”.
- What you are is determined by what you do, not what you say, think, or who you vote for. Be mindful of what you spend time on.
- Habit = Making decisions without internal expenditure.
- Fear arises from a lack of imagination; the antidote to fear is likely not bravery, but rather imagination.
- Don’t rush; when you're in a hurry, you're more susceptible to deception or manipulation.
- If you don’t urgently need to do something, then sleep.
- To surpass your heroes, put aside ego, imitate them like a student, until you can surpass them. This is the way of all masters.
- Be a good ancestor; your children will thank you.
- Never work for someone you don’t aspire to become.
- Before speaking, ask yourself thrice: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it from a place of goodwill?
- The best prevention against aging is to maintain curiosity.
- To stand out, thank the teachers who brought change to your life. Bravely seek change.
- The size of the issues that upset you determine the size of your scope.
- Stay highly curious about things you’re not interested in; it pays disproportionate dividends.
- Seek feedback promptly; know the problems early.
- 99% of your worries won’t come true, reduce your worries.
Treating Life
- Try a different habit each month, small changes, don’t be stuck in the old.
- Optimize 80% of your time for your life, and explore with the remaining 20%.
- Learn to discard the bad, in thoughts, views too; reserve space for valuable and joyful things and ideas.
- The trick to remembering names is to repeat them several times in your mind as soon as you hear them.
- For things often misplaced and searched for, after found and used, place them where you first looked.
- Create art that inspires others to create art.
- Where you live - city or country, has a huge impact on your life, and it’s a factor you can change and choose.
- The best gardening advice: find out what you can grow well, then plant lots of it.
- Read a lot of history, and you’ll realize there’s nothing new under the sun.
- Keep at least one thing in life, for which, you don’t chase efficiency; spend more time enjoying it, it’s your pleasure time, never feel wrong for doing so.
- New ideas disappear from your mind five minutes after conception, use those five minutes, act immediately.
- Distinguish between what’s important and what’s urgent, treat them differently.
- Every success comes with a cost that can’t be measured in money; to pursue success, you must willingly pay the cost.
- Learn how to learn from those who disagree with or even offend you; find truth in their perspective.
- Create a sense of ceremony in life; it’s an important touchstone of life.
- Upgrade the tools you frequently use; for the most used, or those used for work, buy the best you can afford.
- Separate “creation” from “improvement”. You can’t write and edit, sculpt and polish, create and analyze at the same time. If you do, editing will stifle creation. Invent without judgment, sketch without inspection, draft without reflection. Initially, creative thinking must be free, unimpeded by judgment.
- A vacation + a disaster = an adventure.
- If you have no concept of the cost of something, it means you can’t afford it.
- On life’s journey, expect the unexpected; it continually expands your life’s boundaries.
- Cultivate a disdain for mediocrity.
- As a grown person, measure your growth by how many uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have.
- The main purpose of traveling is to let go; the more you let go, the further you travel.
Treating Life’s Path
- Whenever you can’t decide which path to take, choose the one that brings change.
- If you’re confined by life’s predicaments, travel to a place you’ve never heard of.
Treating Career
- Focusing on serving users will take you further than focusing on competitors.
- The best job is one you’re underqualified for; it forces you to unearth your potential. In fact, only apply for jobs you’re underqualified for.
- The things you do outside of work may become your real work.
- Don’t strive to be the best, strive to be unique.
Treating Truth
- The most counter-intuitive truth in the universe: the more you give, the more you get. Understanding this is the beginning of wisdom.
- Being there accounts for 99% of success. Most success is just about sticking around.
- Superheroes and saints don’t engage in artistic creation. Only imperfect beings can create art, for art begins with imperfection.
- Optimize for the second chance of asking people out successfully and build relations from there.
- Most overnight success requires at least five years of effort, any significant success is the same. Knowing this, you’ll know how to plan your life.
- Completion trumps perfection.
- The biggest leverage you can get with money is buying other people’s time; hire staff, outsource work.
- When tightening a bolt, righty tighty, lefty loosey, as simple as that.
- Don’t struggle with the old; focus on the new.
- When dividing things, one person divides, the other chooses first.
- Stubbornness and perseverance, courage and recklessness, are separated only by the meaning of a goal.
On Doing
- The best teacher is “doing”.
- Change actions to change thoughts, it’s easier than changing thoughts to change actions. Act according to the change you seek.
- The trick to making wise choices: Stand in the viewpoint of 25 years later, what would you do today?
- Choose options that bring more options.
On Long-termism
- We often overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can achieve in ten years. Give it ten years, you can accomplish incredible miracles. Stick to long-termism, accumulate small victories into big ones.
All these pieces of advice are like hats; if one doesn’t fit, try another.
- 对一个东西最好的批评,是做出来一个东西替代它
- 对话中的“三次法则”,每次等对方陈述完,要求对方更进一步,这样才能最接近真实的答案
- 慷慨一切,多给予一些,没有人在临终时后悔给予太多
- 任何真实存在的东西,都始于一种猜测性的构想,因此想象力是宇宙最强大的力量。提高自己的想象力,那种真切的,原始的想法
- 探索的“七次法则”。如果你愿意多往下询问七个层次,你可以弄明白任何事情
- 当别人告诉你什么地方出问题时,他们通常是对的。当他们告诉你如何解决问题时,他们通常是错误的
- 要想富有,就要帮助其他人成功,要想成功,就让别人给你钱
- 模仿他人,是一个很好的起点
- 给予,你不会变穷,不给予,你无法变富
- 至少每天承认一次我不知道,你将会成为一个更好的人
- 你的信念越坚固,你就越有理由去质疑这些信念
- 自我投资-花钱上课,学习新技能 - 这些不起眼的投资,能产生丰厚的回报
- 做一个行为无法被AI预测的人,外加自己的影响力,这些应该成为你的人生的追求目标
- 成功最可靠的方法,是你自己定义成功。你想射箭,然后在射中的地方,画一个靶心🎯
- 每年深度了解一门学科,一年之后,你会惊讶于当初自己的无知
- 了解自身的好方法是,认真的思考他人身上让你生气的地方
- 设置雄心勃勃的目标,这样就算你最终达不成,也能实现超出一般水平的成功
- 如果你是房间里最聪明的人, 那么你走错了房间。和比你聪明的人在一起,向他们学习,更好的做好是,找到意见与你不一致的聪明人
- 思考,不止用大脑
- 如果没有出现偶尔跌倒的情况,那就是你还没有放开手脚
- 把你的习惯语言从“我做得到还是做不到”改成“我做还是不做”
- 你是什么样的人,取决于你做什么,而非你说什么,想什么,给谁投票。be mindful of what you spend time on.
- 习惯 = 做决定的时候没有内心的消耗
- 恐惧是因为缺乏想象力,恐惧的解药不是勇敢,而更可能是想象力。
- 不要着急,着急的时候,你更容易被欺骗或者被操纵
- 如果你不知道迫切的需要干什么时,那就睡觉
- 如果你想超越你心目中的英雄,那就放下自尊心,像学生一样模仿他们,知道你能超越他们。这是所有大师的成功之道。
- 做一个好的祖先,你的孩子会感谢你
- 永远不要为你不想成为的人工作
- 说话之前,询问自己三次:这是真的吗?是必须说的嘛?是出自自由善意吗?
- 防止衰老最好的办法,就是保持好奇心
- 要脱颖而出,就要感谢让你的生活发生变化的老师。勇敢寻求变化
- 多大的事情让你生气,决定了你的格局有多大
- 对不感兴趣的东西,保持高度的好奇,会产生不成比例的回报
- 及时寻找批评意见,尽早知道问题所在
- 99%你所担心的事情都不会发生,减少你的担心
- 每月尝试一次不同的习惯,小小的改变,不要因循守旧
- 80%时间来优化你的生活,20%的时间来探索你的生活
- 要学会把不好的东西剔除掉,思想,观点也应该如此,要为那些真正有价值和给你带来快乐的事物和想法留下空间
- 记住别人名字的诀窍,就是在第一次听到时,就在心里重复几遍
- 久久寻找不到的东西,找到用完后,放到一个你第一个寻找的地方
- 创造那种能激励他人创作艺术的艺术
- 你生活的地方- 城市或国家,对你的生活有很大的影响,而且这个因素你可以改变和选择
- 最好的园艺建议:弄明白你能养好什么,然后种好多好多
- 大量阅读历史,你就会明白太阳底下没有新鲜的事情
- 人生中至少留一件事,在这件事上,你不追求效率,多花时间享受这件事,这是你的欢娱时间,这件事将让你永远年轻,绝对不要认为这么做有什么错
- 新想法产生五分钟后,就会从你的头脑中消失,利用这五分钟,赶紧行动
- 分清楚事情的重要和紧急,区别对待
- 每个成功,都有某种不能用金钱衡量的成本,要追求成功,就必须心甘情愿付出成本
- 学习如何从与你有分歧甚至冒犯你的人那里学到东西,从他们的认识中找到真理
- 创造生命的仪式感,这是人生重要的试金石
- 升级你常用的工具,对于最经常使用的,或者工作中使用的,购买你能得到最好的
- 把“创造”和“改进”分开。你不能边写作边编辑,边雕刻边打磨,边制作边分析。如果这么做,编辑就会阻遏创造。发明时,不要选择。画草图时,不要检查。写初稿时,不要反思。一开始,创造性思维必须时自由的,不受评判的干扰。
- 一次度假 + 一个灾难 = 一次冒险
- 如果你对某个东西的成本,毫无概念,就表明,你买不起它。
- 人生路上,期待意外,因为这在不断拓展你的生命边界
- 培养一种对平庸的厌恶感
- 做为一个成熟的人,衡量你成长的尺度,是你愿意进行多少令人不舒服的谈话
- 旅行的主要目的是放下,放下的越多,走的就越远
- 每当你无法选择走哪条路时,选择那条能带来改变的路
- 如果你限于人生的困境,去一个你从未听说过的地方旅行
- 专注于服务用户,比关注竞争对手能让你走的更远
- 最好的工作,是一个你不够格的工作,因为他会迫使你挖掘潜力,事实上,要只去应聘哪些你不够格的工作
- 你在工作之外做的事情,可能成为你真正的工作
- 不要做最好的,做唯一的
- 宇宙里最反直觉的真理:你给予的越多,你得到的就越多。理解这一点,是智慧的开端
- 保持在场,99%的成功都是being there。大多数的成功都是只是坚持
- 超级英雄和圣人都不从事艺术创造。只有不完美的人,才能创造艺术,因为艺术始于残缺
- optimize for the second chance to asking people out successfully and build relations from there
- 大多数一夜之间取得的成功,都需要至少五年的努力,事实上,任何的重大成功都是如此。明白这一点,你就知道如果规划你的生活了。
- 完成,胜过完美
- 每个人的时间都是有限且不断减少的,你能用钱获得的最大杠杆,就是买别人的时间,要聘请员工,外包工作
- 拧螺栓的时候,向右是紧,向左是送,如此简单的道理, as simple as that.
- 不要费力气于旧事物作斗争,专注于新事物
- 分东西时,一个人分,则另外一个人先选
- 顽固和毅力,勇敢和鲁莽,中间只隔着一个目标的意义
- 最好的老师叫“做”
- 通过改变行为来改变想法,比通过改变想法来改变行为要容易的多。你寻求什么样的改变,就将其付诸行动
- 做出明智选择的诀窍:站在25年之后的视角,今天的这个决定你会怎么做?
- 选择那些,能带来更多选项的选项
- 我们往往高估一天能完成的事情,而低估十年能取得的成就。拿出十年来,你可以成就不可思议的奇迹。坚持长期主义,积小胜为大胜
📎 Links
- Author:raygorous👻
- URL:https://raygorous.com/article/excellent-advice-from-kevin-kelly
- Copyright:All articles in this blog, except for special statements, adopt BY-NC-SA agreement. Please indicate the source!
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